Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Patience Rewarded

Way back when I "accidentally" bought a half dozen bottles of Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon. Finally got round to popping open a bottle of the other night cos iso and apparently peak drinking was between 2008 and 2020. Wow does it deserve its status as the pinnacle of Cabernet Sauvignon in Australia! It was like they bottled the year 1996, the creme de cassis flavour just knocks you for six, so powerful and vibrant as if it was still 1996 and the Macarena was on the airwaves. The tannins were as smooth as Tom Selleck, reaching perfection in its mature years. Such a well structured and well balanced wine, like Audrey Hepburn in that LBD from Breakfast at Tiffany's. If you don't get what wine is all about you will after having something like this. A moving feast that takes you back through time yet also reminds you of the rewards of patience. Proof that the class of 1996 was the best year ever!

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